About Us

Hey there, I’m Jas, and I’m passionate about healthy keto cooking! When I started my journey, I had just delivered my first baby. My mom Liz, was navigating her way through menopause and we both realized we had to get our diets on track ASAP.

Short on time, but long on determination, we managed to gain control of our health through the keto diet. By trial and error, we came up with a collection of our favorite recipes.

We don’t claim to be doctors or specialists. We’re just two women who know what it’s like to need to make healthy changes fast but with very little time.

We highly recommend talking to your doctor before starting any kind of diet. Once you’re ready, feel free to check out all of our recipes. Stay with us, as we’ll be adding more as we go!

To your health,

Jas & Liz